The movie Food Inc is basically a summary of where food REALLY comes from and how it can affect us as individuals. They explain to us how food is just not natural anymore. The chickens are much bigger then they're supposed to be and that's because they are fed all sorts of junk to make them bigger. The cows are much bigger than usual too because they are fed corn instead of grass. If the cows ate more grass rather than corn the E. coli cases would decrease tremendously. Something that really stuck out to me was the story about the little boy Kevin. I'm pretty sure that probably stuck out to everyone in class. It was so sad to see a little boy so young and full of life die and to see his parents suffering from his death because it could have been prevented.

6. I don't think anyone is specifically responsible for Kevin's death and I don't think it is right to put the blame on anyone. Blaming someone for her son's death isn't going to bring her son back to life.

7. No it would not be okay if healthy food were only available to people who can afford it but that's how I feel already. It does affect both individuals and society already because unhealthy food is already so much cheaper than healthy food is so it is purchased so much more than healthy food. It makes our society viewed as obese because so many people are obese.

9. Responsibility.

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