How much do I know of what I eat? I honestly don't know what I'm eating at all and I truly don't care to know. It's not because I'm not concerned about the health of myself but it's because I don't want to live my life being one of those people who is constantly reading the back of labels and watching my points. I also don't want to be one of those people that everyone has to cater to me because I'm too picky to eat what everyone else is eating. I will really eat anything and I will try anything at least once. I know I should probably care more about myself and watch what I am eating but I just don't. On that note though I was also raised in a family where every night we ate a home cooked meal. As a child I felt so deprived because my family and I never ordered dinner and I NEVER got happy meals. Now I think back on that and that was for my own good and I still don't eat much fast food or order out because I am so used to home cooked meals. When Berry says "When food, in the minds of eaters, is no longer associated with farming and with the land, then the eaters are suffering a kind of cultural amnesia that is misleading and dangerous." This would describe me because when I eat my food I don't think twice about where it came from or how it got on my plate the only thing I am worried about is eating it. Pollan and Berry make me feel like I should probably know more about what I eat but at the same time it doesn't really bother me.

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