Not every mistake, is a mistake. I keep telling myself this over and over in my head. How can it be a mistake if it feels so right? A mistake is something you regret or something you wish never happened, I don't wish this never happened, maybe I wish it happened a little bit later but never.. that's pretty harsh. I know everyone is going to judge me, but who are they to judge the decisions I make and the life I live? I bet you they've made worse "mistakes" before than this one.

"Anna?" The nurse said my name. "It's your turn for the doctor to see you."

I sat on the bed and she put that gooey stuff on my stomach and then I heard it, the most amazing sound to my ears.

"Yup, that's the baby's heart beat." The nurse looked at me and smiled. "You're about nine weeks pregnant."

There was silence in the room. Everything finally seemed so real to me. Am I still scared about what people would think of me? Yeah I am. But then I turned my head to the side and saw a picture on the wall and it said,

                “Who are you to judge the life I live?
                I know I'm not perfect
                -and I don't live to be-
                but before you start pointing fingers...
                make sure you hands are clean!”
                ― Bob Marley

My babies heart beat and the sign on the wall made everything feel right.

2/6/2012 12:01:36 am

This is so adorable.


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