My writing process isn't really a process. I'm a horrible procrastinator and I'm usually rushing to get my papers done last minute. When I’m assigned a paper or story to write for school I usually brainstorm about what I’m going to make that paper or story about. Sometimes I will grab a pen or pencil and jot down some ideas I have but it is usually unorganized but it does help me so I don’t forget the ideas that pop into my head. When I’m assigned to write a story I will usually have so many ideas that flow through my mind that I don’t  know which one to chose from. When this happens sometimes I will discuss with a fellow classmate or a friend about my ideas that I have so far and ask their opinion. I don’t always listen to them but I do try to take their advice. Once I write my paper I will usually edit it once maybe twice and I will have someone else look over it and then I will change whatever needs to be fixed. When I work in a group I try to make sure that everyone gets to use some of their own ideas because this is the right thing to do. I usually sit down in the group that I’m in and share ideas and thoughts that we all came up with. Most of the time, we discuss what we all feel most comfortable doing and then we go from there with working together as a group and make sure that each individual is doing something that they feel comfortable doing.

From the readings my interpretation is collaborative writing is coming together, working together, and forming one piece of work. Fontaine and Hunter compare collaborative writing to doing a group project. The discuss how in school we have probably done at least one group project and the teacher would assign the group a specific topic and then the group would go from there and your grade was most likely a representation of your group participation. Ede and Lunsford talk about how they were two completely different people with different writing tactics and they learned to work together to write a good piece.

In our groups we are working together on our project and that enough is collaborative writing. After each class we gather in a group and discuss some questions we have for one another. We also discuss the interviews that we have set up and how we could go with each other to the interviews in partners instead of going alone. We each work on little things on the days that we have off and then when we have classes on Monday's and Wednesday's we like to discuss what we have come up with so far and what else we need to work on. We all have different ways that we like to do things but we come together and combine all of our ideas, schedules, and work so far into one and make it work. I think as a group we are doing a great job at collaborative writing so far.

Narrative Inquiry
- what meaning can you the researcher take from what happened?
- may interpret stories, autobiographies, journals, filed notes, interviews, conversations

Oral History
- the actual recording of what happened- the participants stories/history/experience

1. Epistemology: ways of knowing & interpreting meaning
    ex. feminist, critical, marxist, etc.
2. mathodology: means of interpreting collected data
    ex. narrative inquiry, oral history, phenomenology
3. Methods: means of actually collecting data
    ex. semi- structured interviews, research, blogging, etc.
4. your actual data
    - the research/knowledge you collect
From what I understand narrative inquiry is gathering information for a study and receiving the information from people who have experienced the situation. It is a form of doing research. We will use narrative inquiry by asking people who have connections with the food at Rowan about their experiences with it and what they know about it. We will be conducting interviews with some people at Rowan that we think are a good resource to the food here.
I am posting this a little bit late but I didn't have access to a computer but I had it hand typed---

Food Inc in my opinion was actually a good movie. The movie is trying to inform us about how unnatural and unhealthy the food today is and how we should really watch what we are eating for our own health. Farms are no longer just farms, they are mass productions of food and everything isn't natural anymore. The food that is sold is extremely unhealthy and has so many things done to it before it is actually consumed by us.

10. I agree with this statement because I think that we pay a dollar for a burger on the dollar menu and it isn't healthy or good for us. It costs what it is worth. If we pay an expensive price we can get healthier food like fruits and vegitables but they're more expensive and not everyone can afford that.

11. The alternative would be to find foreigners to do the work because they need the work in order to survive as an immigrant. Local people don't want to do the work because it is discusting and they can tell everyone around them to stay away from the food where as foreigners that don't speak english wouldn't do this.

15. I don't think Oprah can be sued for saying this because she is speaking her opinion. Although she is someone so many people look up to and will follow in her foot steps it's a personal opinion and everyon
I believe that I am following the grading contract acccordingly. I only missed one class so far and I don't plan on missing anymore. I missed a few blog entries but not alot at all and I do participate in class. I don't raise my hand every day to talk but I talk occasionally and when I feel like my opinion would matter. I made sure that when we went around and presented our twitterives so far that I volunteered as much as I thought I needed to or if I had a good idea I also made sure to give each one of my group members feed back. I need to make sure that I don't miss anymore blog entries because I don't want that to be something that effects my grade.
The movie Food Inc is basically a summary of where food REALLY comes from and how it can affect us as individuals. They explain to us how food is just not natural anymore. The chickens are much bigger then they're supposed to be and that's because they are fed all sorts of junk to make them bigger. The cows are much bigger than usual too because they are fed corn instead of grass. If the cows ate more grass rather than corn the E. coli cases would decrease tremendously. Something that really stuck out to me was the story about the little boy Kevin. I'm pretty sure that probably stuck out to everyone in class. It was so sad to see a little boy so young and full of life die and to see his parents suffering from his death because it could have been prevented.

6. I don't think anyone is specifically responsible for Kevin's death and I don't think it is right to put the blame on anyone. Blaming someone for her son's death isn't going to bring her son back to life.

7. No it would not be okay if healthy food were only available to people who can afford it but that's how I feel already. It does affect both individuals and society already because unhealthy food is already so much cheaper than healthy food is so it is purchased so much more than healthy food. It makes our society viewed as obese because so many people are obese.

9. Responsibility.

How much do I know of what I eat? I honestly don't know what I'm eating at all and I truly don't care to know. It's not because I'm not concerned about the health of myself but it's because I don't want to live my life being one of those people who is constantly reading the back of labels and watching my points. I also don't want to be one of those people that everyone has to cater to me because I'm too picky to eat what everyone else is eating. I will really eat anything and I will try anything at least once. I know I should probably care more about myself and watch what I am eating but I just don't. On that note though I was also raised in a family where every night we ate a home cooked meal. As a child I felt so deprived because my family and I never ordered dinner and I NEVER got happy meals. Now I think back on that and that was for my own good and I still don't eat much fast food or order out because I am so used to home cooked meals. When Berry says "When food, in the minds of eaters, is no longer associated with farming and with the land, then the eaters are suffering a kind of cultural amnesia that is misleading and dangerous." This would describe me because when I eat my food I don't think twice about where it came from or how it got on my plate the only thing I am worried about is eating it. Pollan and Berry make me feel like I should probably know more about what I eat but at the same time it doesn't really bother me.